Control System
The ATEN Control System, incorporating the ATEN Controller, the ATEN Configurator and the ATEN Control System App is a standard Ethernet-based management system that connects all hardware devices in a room or large facility to provide centralized control of devices directly and effortlessly via an iPad.
VK2100- 4-Port Serial Expansion Box
The ATEN Control System, incorporating the VK2100 (ATEN Control Box), the VK6000 (ATEN Configurator) and the ATEN Control System App is a standard Ethernet-based management system that connects all the hardware devices in a room or large facility to provide centralized control directly and effortlessly via a mobile device and tablet computer.
VK224- 4-Port Serial Expansion Box
The VK224 4-Port Serial Expansion Box provides four additional bi-directional RS-232 / 422 / 485 serial ports for a flexible expansion of the ATEN Control System. This allows users to control additional serial devices in an environment where more serial devices are required. With the advantage of an Ethernet-based connection, the expansion box can be easily connected to the VK2100 Control Box via a LAN connection from a variety of locations across a network.
VK248- 8-Channel Relay Expansion Box
The VK248 8-Channel Relay Expansion Box provides an additional eight channels of relay output for a flexible expansion of the ATEN Control System. This allows users to control additional devices such as screen, projector lifts and blinds in environments where more devices are required. With the advantage of an Ethernet-based connection, the expansion box easily connects to the VK2100 Control Box via a LAN connection from a variety of locations across a network.
VK236- 8-Channel Relay Expansion Box
The VK236 6-Port IR/Serial Expansion Box provides six additional IR/Serial ports for a flexible expansion of the ATEN Control System. This allows users to control additional IR/serial devices in an environment where more devices are required. With the advantage of an Ethernet-based connection, the expansion box can be easily connected to the VK2100 Control Box via a LAN connection from a variety of locations across a network.
VK6000- ATEN Control System - ATEN Configurator Software
The ATEN Configurator Software (VK6000) is a GUI-based management tool that provides the easiest way to set up the ATEN Control System. You can use the software to configure devices you want to control by utilizing our user guided interface, which helps you to set up the system step by step – without writing code. It simplifies and streamlines the complicated hardware configuration process into 4 easy steps: Create Project > Select Device > Configure Viewer > Upload Profile.